Virtual Worship Volunteers
Reading the weekly scripture passages plays an important role in our worship experience. It is in hearing God’s word that we are transformed into a new creation and more faithful disciples. Typically, there will be an Old Testament and a New Testament reading every Sunday. Please let us know if you are interested in reading at a worship service.
Reader Sign-up
Requirement: Record video on a smartphone, upload to Google Drive and share with Pastor Josh
Thank you for your willingness to serve as an usher at LCGS. As an usher, you are one of the “first contacts” for many visitors on Sunday morning. The number one question visitors want to be answered is, “Will I be welcomed into this faith community?” They start forming their answer based in large part by being welcomed and assisted by you. Thank you for your service in this! You can be a messenger of the gospel by handing out bulletins, assisting people to find a seat, collecting the offering, carrying communion elements to the altar, and directing the congregation during communion.
Communion Assistants
We celebrate communion every week at LCGS. Volunteers are needed to assist with communion distribution.
Media Team
A newly formed media team has been created to design and present visual media during worship. This form of leadership is becoming increasingly necessary, and much appreciated in our community of faith. We need helpers who know a little or a lot about computer technology to join our team. Our “designers” help to create the visual aids, and our “techs” run the show during worship. We can use your leadership in both of these areas.
Leadership with Music
Adult Choir
Rehearsal Time: Sundays at 8 a.m.
Special Events: Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Choral Service, Christmas Eve
Handbell Choir
Rehearsal Time: Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. Open to adults and high school youth.
Children’s Handbell Choir
The group is composed of children ages three or older. They display their musical gifts on the first Sunday of the month during the school year. The Children’s Handbell Choir provides LCGS youth with a fun and special way to be involved in our church services. No musical talent is required! By simply following color-coded cards and ringing their colored bells, the children are able to make beautiful music and share their joy with the congregation!
Contemporary Choir
Open to adults and high school youth. The entire choir season is September-May. If you cannot join for the entire season, we welcome you to join us for a shorter time, such as the Christmas or Lenten season.
Rehearsal Time: Sundays at 8 a.m.
Leadership with Prayer
At Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, we have a special group of people who are devoted to a ministry of prayer.
They are committed to intercessory prayer, praying for the needs of others. If you or someone you know has a special need and desires the prayerful support of a Christian community, send an email to, or if you would like to become a participant in our prayer ministry, send an email and let us know. We welcome you to join us!