Thursday, February 25
“I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Jeremiah 31:33b
Belonging. . . During these COVID-19 times, with the need to practice
social distancing, we may no longer feel a sense of belonging. That sense
of belonging that is felt when we are in the physical presence of other
human beings—family, friends, classmates, and co-workers is an
important part of our well-being, our wholeness.
Through a new covenant that God made with God’s people, you belong
to God. Belonging to God means you are unconditionally loved and
forgiven by God. “. . .I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin
no more” (Jeremiah 34:34b). God’s memory of your sins is wiped away!
And, through this love and forgiveness, fulfilled by the death and
resurrection of Jesus, you are made well; you are made whole.
Gracious God, we belong to you and to each other. Help me to be an
example of your love and forgiveness in the world. Amen
Geri Long, Grace Lutheran Church