Giving God
Friday, March 19
“In him we have redemption…according to the riches of his grace that he lavished on us.” Ephesians 1:7
The COVID pandemic has shown us our disobedience and indifference
to our own wellbeing. We know how to prevent this illness: science,
vaccine, masks, distancing, hand washing. However, we had decided to
ignore them and risk our lives, our loved ones, and our caregivers.
This is like our way to redemption: God has given us all resources to be
followed. God gave us Jesus to teach us the way, and the Holy Spirit to
guide us, but we decided to ignore them and put our salvation at risk. It is
time to analyze, self-reflect, and open our minds and our hearts to God
and how God manifests in our lives. Only that way we will be healed and
find the way to live for the praise of his glory.
Dear God, do not abandon us, do not get tired of showing us the way to
you, protect us from ourselves. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Intern Lidixe Montoya, Neighbor to Neighbor