God’s Presence, Here, Now
Wednesday, March 3
“Then the devil left him, and suddenly angels came and waited on him.” Matthew 4:11
How appropriate, as a teacher I have been assigned a passage about tests.
The devil tests Jesus with savory food, high mountain settings, and
indulgent riches. It’s a memorable story in the Bible with its chief
protagonist. But tests are not always so overt; some of the tests we face
every day remain surprisingly subtle. In our world where social
distancing and isolation are now common, it’s tempting (and human) to
feel worn out, a bit out of tune, and scarce of faith. However, this
passage is more of a reassurance in how in trying times we are far from
alone. Whether it be a revisitation of a cherished reading, a welcome
conversation over Zoom, or the simple pleasure of watching the snow
fall softly outside your window, God’s presence and glory is right here.
Dear Lord, thank you for the sound of your voice and the comfort of your
Dr. Blake Westerlund, University Lutheran Church