Saturday, March 6
“The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:34, NIV)
All of us have been the outsider or foreigner at some time in our lives.
Were you the new kid in school, the new employee, a new member of the
congregation, the only person of color in a sea of white, the only person
who couldn’t understand the language of the people around you? We
currently have an opportunity to show love and support for those who
have fled violence and poverty in search of a better future. We can
welcome and accompany these outsiders, especially children, by
providing protection, advocacy, representation and opportunities. How
can we fulfill the command in Leviticus to love foreigners as we love
ourselves? They are waiting.
Creator, help us to listen and respond as you would have us do to cries
of injustice and suffering by our sisters and brothers in Christ. Amen
Debrah Adams, Hope Lutheran Church