Continuous Creation
Tuesday, March 9
“For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth.” Isaiah 65:17
God kept creating after Genesis 2. God says to the exiled people, “I’m
still creating.” Frustrated, shamed, remorseful, without hope, they
wondered if this was true. In 12-step Recovery programs, many suffer
from emotional frustration, shame, hurt, and are longing for a new life.
We found ourselves hitting rock bottom and could not believe that new
creation was possible. Yet our Higher Power began to restore our lives to
sanity. As we turned our will and lives over to God, God did for us what
we could not do for ourselves. God began new creation. Just as God
brought the exiles home, so in Jesus’ death and resurrection God brings
new creation to the world. God hit rock bottom for us, so that we might
be a new creation.
God of new life and new beginnings, work in your people anew. Work in
me anew. May we all experience your delight in our lives. Amen.
Rev. Eric Nielsen, St. John’s Lutheran Church