Finding Solace in Prayer
Monday, March 15
But now more than ever the word about Jesus spread abroad; many crowds would gather to hear him and to be cured of their diseases. But he would withdraw to deserted places and pray. Luke 5:15-16
This Lenten season, I am reminded of how loud the world has become
since last season. Through a pandemic that has swept the globe, taking
more lives quicker than anyone imagined, political campaigns that
burned through television screens, and racial tension that rose to new
heights of violence. The only way I was able to find God, was to
physically go out and seek God. One place I have visited frequently in
the past year was a small park in town that is filled with small hiking
trails that twist and turn through deep forests. When the world became
too loud, I slipped away into my own form of wilderness to pray.
Lord, When the world becomes loud and I feel overwhelmed, help me to
find you in nature to pray. Amen.
Brittney Evergreen, Immanuel Lutheran Church