Food for Thought
Thursday, March 25
“Mortal, eat this scroll that I give you and fill your stomach with it. Then I ate it; and in my mouth it was as sweet as honey.” Ezekiel 2:3
Ezekiel the prophet was asked to eat a word from God that included
lamentation and mourning, a hard message he was called to bring to the
people of God. He wondered how it would lay claim to his life. To his
surprise it was sweet as honey! Could it be any other way since the word
in God and in Christ always seeks to promote life? Ezekiel was charged
with being a sentinel who keeps watch over God’s people. He brought a
warning so that they would turn from the disaster that was coming and
once again sing praise to God. We are called to attend to the words of
Christ. Let the language sink in. Let the images percolate.
Dearest Jesus, give us your word that we might feed on it, and perceive
it, and live. Amen.
Pr. Julie Brenden, St. John’s Lutheran Church