Tuesday, March 23
“But I tell you, love your enemies …” Matthew 5:44
Forgiveness is the root of Christianity. Jesus died on the cross for the
forgiveness of sin. The Bible claims God’s forgiveness for you, but also
your forgiveness towards your peers and enemies. Many times when we
are stuck and can’t find a way out of our loop, we forget to look within
ourselves. Hatred weighs heavily on our hearts. When you forgive
someone who has wronged you, the burden of hatred is lifted creating
more room for God. There also needs to be room for forgiveness within
yourself, because everytime you make amity–externally or internally–
you receive the grace of Jesus. Making peace with your past is the first
step towards growth and spiritual fulfillment.
Heavenly Creator, thank you for your unconditional forgiveness and for
helping me reflect that same forgiveness onto others, In Jesus’ Name.
Maija Balts, Immanuel Lutheran Church