Our worship theme for the summer (started May 28 and will go to September 10) is an extension of our Strategic Plan process.
The process itself has three phases. Phase 1 is Listening to the Congregation. Thus far we have had the Congregation Conversation that kicked off this process and the Strategic Plan team will soon be taking a look at the results of the 109 surveys that were completed.
The second phase is Listening to the Community. The Strategic Plan team has started that process with the gathering of names of community partners and those interviews are underway.
The third phase is what we are going to be doing starting today, going through the summer, until September 10. Listening to God. Each week in worship we will hear a story from scripture revolving around the idea of God’s call.
These stories will be accompanied by three questions:
- How do the people in the story hear God’s call to them?
- How open are they to God’s call?
- What might this passage say to our community of faith?
Each week as you come to worship you will find a table by the center aisle entrance as well as you head toward the Fellowship Hall with a half sheet of paper with background and the scripture for the week. If you miss a week there will be a display where you can get the half sheet from previous weeks. If you come to Tuesday morning Bible Study at 11 we will be studying the passage for the coming week.
We hope that you will engage with the questions and offer your own reflections as we go through this process. You can share those responses via email with Pastor Josh ( pastorlcgsec@gmail.com ) or if you write out your responses you can place them in the offering plate on Sunday morning, or mail them to the church office.
We are excited to feel the Spirit moving through us in this exciting process and we hope you will come along for the ride!